English Basics

1. Grammar and Syntax

  1. Parts of Speech (Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection)
  2. Sentence Structure and Types (Simple, Compound, Complex)
  3. Subject-Verb Agreement
  4. Tenses (Present, Past, Future – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)
  5. Active and Passive Voice
  6. Direct and Indirect Speech (Narration)
  7. Articles (A, An, The)
  8. Modals and Auxiliary Verbs (Can, Could, May, Might, Shall, Should, Must)
  9. Conditionals (Zero, First, Second, Third, Mixed)
  10. Use of Punctuation (Comma, Semicolon, Colon, Apostrophe, Quotation Marks)

2. Vocabulary and Word Usage

  1. Synonyms and Antonyms
  2. Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs
  3. One-Word Substitutions
  4. Idioms and Phrases
  5. Proverbs and Their Meanings
  6. Confusing Words (Accept vs. Except, Affect vs. Effect)
  7. Commonly Misused Words and Expressions
  8. Word Formation (Prefix, Suffix, Root Words)
  9. Collocations (Common Word Combinations)
  10. Spelling Rules and Common Spelling Mistakes

3. Sentence and Paragraph Formation

  1. Sentence Correction and Error Detection
  2. Sentence Completion (Fill in the Blanks)
  3. Sentence Improvement and Rearrangement
  4. Clauses and Their Types (Main, Subordinate, Relative)
  5. Sentence Connectors and Linkers
  6. Cohesion and Coherence in Writing
  7. Logical Sequence of Sentences
  8. Combining Sentences Using Conjunctions
  9. Run-on Sentences and Fragments
  10. Avoiding Redundancy and Repetition

4. Comprehension and Reading Skills

  1. Reading Comprehension Techniques
  2. Finding Main Idea and Supporting Details
  3. Skimming and Scanning Skills
  4. Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions
  5. Context Clues for Understanding Unfamiliar Words
  6. Identifying the Author’s Tone and Purpose
  7. Analyzing Arguments and Reasoning
  8. Fact vs. Opinion in Reading Passages
  9. Summarizing and Paraphrasing
  10. Reading Passages from Newspapers, Articles, and Editorials

5. Writing and Composition

  1. Essay Writing (Argumentative, Descriptive, Narrative, Persuasive)
  2. Paragraph Writing – Topic Sentence, Supporting Details, Conclusion
  3. Precis Writing and Summary Writing
  4. Letter Writing (Formal and Informal)
  5. Application Writing for Jobs and Official Requests
  6. Report Writing – Structure and Examples
  7. Dialogue Writing – Conversations and Role Plays
  8. Story Writing with a Given Beginning or Ending
  9. Expansion of Ideas and Proverbs
  10. Descriptive Writing – Describing People, Places, and Events

6. Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

  1. Analogies and Relationships Between Words
  2. Sentence Arrangement – Logical Order of Sentences
  3. Completing the Given Passage Logically
  4. Logical Deduction and Critical Thinking
  5. Error Identification in Sentences
  6. Odd One Out (Choosing the Different Word)
  7. Word Analogies and Odd Pair Identification
  8. Cloze Tests (Filling Blanks in Paragraphs)
  9. Finding Hidden Meanings in Sentences
  10. Reading and Interpreting Graphs or Charts

7. Essay and Argumentation Skills

  1. Introduction, Body, and Conclusion Writing
  2. Argumentative Essays – Supporting and Opposing Views
  3. Persuasive Writing Techniques
  4. Counterarguments and Refutation Strategies
  5. Cohesion and Coherence in Essays
  6. Developing Thesis Statements
  7. Writing Topic Sentences Effectively
  8. Avoiding Logical Fallacies in Argumentative Writing
  9. Transitions and Flow in Essays
  10. Using Examples and Evidence in Arguments

8. Common Error Detection

  1. Spotting Grammatical Errors in Sentences
  2. Error Correction in Paragraphs
  3. Commonly Confused Words in English
  4. Identifying Ambiguous and Faulty Sentences
  5. Parallelism Errors in Writing
  6. Pronoun Reference Errors
  7. Faulty Comparisons and Illogical Statements
  8. Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
  9. Double Negatives and Their Corrections
  10. Sentence Reconstruction and Editing Skills

9. Communication and Spoken English

  1. Formal vs. Informal English Usage
  2. Business and Professional Communication
  3. Writing and Responding to Emails Professionally
  4. Public Speaking and Oral Presentation Skills
  5. Group Discussion Techniques
  6. Interview Preparation and Confidence Building
  7. Debating and Argumentation Skills
  8. Writing and Delivering Speeches
  9. Telephonic and Virtual Communication Etiquette
  10. Overcoming Common Communication Barriers

10. English for Competitive Exams

  1. Solving Past Papers of PSC Exams (CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, etc.)
  2. Tips for Time Management in English Paper
  3. Practicing Mock Tests and Sample Questions
  4. Commonly Asked Idioms and Phrases in Exams
  5. Strategies for Improving English Writing Speed
  6. Avoiding Common Mistakes in Competitive Exams
  7. How to Score Well in English Grammar and Vocabulary
  8. Strategies for Answering MCQs Effectively
  9. Developing a Habit of Reading Newspapers and Books
  10. Improving English Skills Through Daily Practice
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