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1. Basic Beliefs of Islam (Aqeedah)
- Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) β Importance and Types
- Prophethood (Risalat) β Role and Characteristics of Prophets
- Belief in Angels β Role and Responsibilities
- Belief in Holy Books β Quran, Torah, Zabur, Injil
- Belief in the Day of Judgment β Signs and Concept of Accountability
- Predestination (Taqdeer) β Islamic Perspective
- Life After Death β Heaven and Hell in Islam
2. Holy Quran
- Revelation of the Quran β Makki and Madani Surahs
- Compilation and Preservation of the Quran
- Importance of Quran in Daily Life
- Basic Themes of the Quran β Tawheed, Risalat, Akhirah
- Scientific Miracles in the Quran
- Concept of Social and Economic Justice in the Quran
- Quranic Teachings about Womenβs Rights
- Quranic Concept of Jihad and Peace
- Quranic Verses Related to Ethics and Morality
- Quran and Modern Science
3. Hadith and Sunnah
- Definition and Importance of Hadith
- Types of Hadith β Sahih, Daif, Hasan, Mutawatir
- Classification of Hadith by Collectors β Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, etc.
- Differences Between Hadith and Sunnah
- Role of Hadith in Islamic Law (Shariah)
- Compilation of Hadith β Early and Later Stages
- Authenticity of Hadith β Principles of Verification
- Famous Hadith Books and Their Authors
- Major Hadith on Ethics and Morality
- Contribution of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim in Hadith Science
4. Seerat-un-Nabi (Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH)
- Birth and Early Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
- Major Events Before Prophethood β Hilf-ul-Fudul, War of Fijar
- First Revelation and Early Preaching of Islam
- Migration to Abyssinia and Boycott of Banu Hashim
- Pledge of Aqabah and Migration to Madinah
- Constitution of Madinah β First Islamic State
- Major Battles β Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Tabuk
- Conquest of Makkah β Causes and Consequences
- Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) β Message and Impact
- Role of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a Leader, Reformer, and Diplomat
5. Rightly Guided Caliphs (Khilafat-e-Rashida)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) β Expansion and Compilation of the Quran
- Hazrat Umar (RA) β Administrative Reforms and Expansion
- Hazrat Usman (RA) β Compilation of the Quran and Governance
- Hazrat Ali (RA) β Challenges and Civil Wars (Battle of Camel & Siffin)
- Contributions of Khulafa-e-Rashideen to Islamic Civilization
- Differences Between Khilafat and Monarchy
6. Islamic Law (Shariah) & Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
- Sources of Islamic Law β Quran, Sunnah, Ijma, Qiyas
- Introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
- Four Schools of Thought β Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, Hanbali
- Islamic Criminal Law β Hudood, Tazir, and Qisas
- Islamic Economic System β Zakat, Interest (Riba), and Trade
- Islamic Family Laws β Marriage, Divorce, Inheritance
- Concept of Human Rights in Islam
- Role of Ijtehad and Ijma in Islamic Jurisprudence
- Blasphemy Laws in Islam
- Islamic Banking and Finance
7. Worship (Ibadat) in Islam
- Concept of Worship in Islam
- Five Pillars of Islam β Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
- Importance and Procedure of Salah (Prayer)
- Zakat β Calculation and Recipients
- Fasting (Sawm) β Rules, Types, and Benefits
- Hajj β Obligations, Rituals, and Spiritual Importance
- Importance of Friday Prayers and Eid Prayers
- Concept of Halal and Haram in Islam
- Importance of Niyyah (Intention) in Worship
- Sadaqah (Charity) and Its Importance in Islam
8. Islamic Ethics and Morality
- Truthfulness, Honesty, and Integrity in Islam
- Patience and Gratitude in Islamic Teachings
- Kindness and Compassion β Lessons from the Prophet (PBUH)
- Islamic Teachings on Social Justice
- Respect for Parents, Teachers, and Elders
- Concept of Brotherhood and Equality in Islam
- Rights of Neighbors and Fellow Beings in Islam
- Concept of Taqwa (God-Consciousness)
- Islamic Teachings on Forgiveness and Mercy
- Role of Women in Islam and Their Rights
9. Islamic History & Civilization
- Expansion of Islam After the Prophet (PBUH)
- Umayyad Dynasty β Achievements and Decline
- Abbasid Dynasty β Golden Age of Islam
- Contributions of Muslim Scholars in Science and Medicine
- Islamic Contributions in Mathematics, Astronomy, and Philosophy
- Muslim Rule in Spain (Andalusia) β Contributions and Fall
- Ottoman Empire β Rise and Fall
- Role of Sufism in the Spread of Islam
- Islam in the Indian Subcontinent β Role of Saints and Scholars
- Impact of Islam on World History
10. Contemporary Issues & Islam
- Islam and Modern Science
- Islam and Globalization β Challenges and Opportunities
- Islam and the West β Misconceptions and Realities
- Islamβs Stance on Terrorism and Extremism
- Importance of Islamic Unity (Muslim Ummah)
- Islamic Teachings on Environmental Protection
- Role of Islamic Organizations (OIC, Rabita al-Alam al-Islami)
- Islamic Concept of Leadership and Governance
- Interfaith Dialogue in Islam
- Islamic Guidelines on Media and Communication
11. Miscellaneous Important Topics
- Islamic Calendar β Important Islamic Months and Events
- Jihad β Meaning, Types, and Misconceptions
- Hijrat and Its Significance in Islamic History
- Wahi (Revelation) and Its Types
- Concept of Dajjal, Imam Mahdi, and Signs of the Day of Judgment
- Role of Women in Islamic History (Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Ayesha, etc.)
- Role of Islamic Scholars in the Revival of Islam
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